Members Programs & Benefits
So what sorts of programs & benefits does the CNPA manage or provide to you?
Health Care - On your behalf, and with the assistance of key partners, we manage one of the better retirement health care plans in Canada. Available to contributing CNPA members, the CNPA Health Care Plan for CN Pensioners from Blue Cross (#93115) provides you and your spouse coverage for some of those extra costs you might incur that are not covered by your province. Support for the plan comes from the CNPA Health Care Committee, a dedicated group of volunteer pensioners who help make sure we have a plan that fits our needs at a reasonable price.
Pensions - The CNPA acts as an equal partner on the CN Pension Committee which approves your pension increases. Our Pension Committee makes sure that our voices are heard.
Scholarships & Bursaries - Contributing member's children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren get access to our annual CNPA Scholarship Program which offers 25 scholarships across the 5 Canadian regions. In addition, the Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba councils also offer trade bursaries for the families of those members residing in these regions
National Newsletter - The newsletter is issued three times per year with relevant and interesting information. Some regional and local councils also offer regular newsletters to provide update and information closer to home.
CNPA Government Liaison Officer & Committee - This role who advocates with various federal agencies on behalf of the National Council and pensioner membership on matters that may impact the objectives of our organization as well as the quality of life of our pensioners. The committee members have a similar mandate with focus on their particular region.
CNPA National Website - cnpensioners.org is managed by CNPA volunteers to provide you with an online resource for relevant and important information, keeping you up to date on what is happening across the country or to provide you with the latest information on your pension, health care offerings to the membership, CNPA news, members discounts, etc. Some regional and local councils have their own websites to keep their members up to date on specific topics in their area.
CNPA Facebook Pages - Offered in both English and French, these pages provide another convenient method of keeping you informed on relevant information. As well, some regional and local councils offer their own Facebook pages
Member Discounts - CNPA members can benefit from discounts on car rentals, hotel stays, car, home or travel insurance and more from a variety of vendors. In addition, those who subscribe to the CNPA Health Plan are also eligible for additional savings through Blue Cross
CN Communications - Only contributing CNPA members will annually receive the CN Calendar and the "CN in the Community" brochure.
Meetings & Events - CNPA members are invited to attend various events coordinated by the local councils across the country. Most hold regular meetings where guest speakers are invited to speak on current or special issues affecting seniors. Some hold BBQ's or picnics, others sporting events, dinners, or group travel adventures. By being a member, you can attend what you want, when you want. Our national newsletter and local communications with members keeps you up to date on what is happening, like family days, special events, or changes to legislations, policies or programs.