Welcome to the CN Pensioners Association
​The purpose of the CN Pensioners’ Association (CNPA) is to represent the needs of all retired CN employees. Our objective is to protect your interests, financial and otherwise, regarding your pension, your benefits and support and enhance your social interests and activities.
Our Mission
To be an association of honesty and integrity whose goal is to be second to none in protecting the interests of all CN pensioners financially, socially and emotionally. An association which can be called on at any moment of need.
Our Vision
To grow this association with integrity, for the people and by the people with a team of volunteers whose ultimate goal is to do their best in an effort to achieve a better standard of living for our fellow pensioners and surviving spouses
This website is intended to provide service and support to our CN Pensioner population. If you have been retired for a while, you may already be familiar with this site. If you are just newly retired, we want to extend congratulations and a warm welcome to you. Or perhaps you are in the process of preparing for retirement from CN and want to check us out. Whatever your reason for visiting our website, Welcome! your retirement follows years of dedicated service, hard work and family sacrifices. Now, it is time to transition and enjoy a well-deserved rest, time with family and friends and enjoy many years of health and well-being.